Why do we put making changes off?
How often do we let fear, doubt, or procrastination keep us from taking action? We tell ourselves we’ll start when we’re ready, when we have more time, or when the circumstances are just right. But the truth is—there will never be a perfect time.
Waiting doesn’t protect us from failure; it guarantees it.
Deep Thought: A study from Cornell University found that when people reflect on their biggest regrets in life, 76% regret the chances they didn’t take, not the ones they did. This means most people don’t look back and say, I wish I had played it safer. Instead, they say, I wish I had gone for it.
So, what are you waiting for? If you knew that not trying would be your biggest regret in the future, wouldn’t you take that first step today?
How Transform Coaching Can Help
At Transform Coaching, we believe that change begins with mindset—and that action is the bridge between where you are now and where you want to be. If you feel stuck, uncertain, or afraid to take the next step, you’re not alone. The good news? You don’t have to do it alone.
3 Questions to Ask Yourself
If failure wasn’t an option, what would you do right now?
- Too often, we let the fear of failure hold us back from what could be our greatest success.
Am I waiting for the “right time,” or am I just afraid to start?
- What if the right time is the moment you stop waiting?
What’s the worst that could happen if I try? And what’s the best that could happen?
- The fear of failure is usually much bigger than the actual risk. What if taking action led to an incredible opportunity?
Did You Know?
🔹 The fear of failure is scientifically proven to be worse than failure itself. Studies show that people who take risks and fail experience short-term disappointment, but those who never try live with long-term regret and self-doubt.
🔹 Most successful people failed before they won. Michael Jordan was cut from his high school basketball team. Walt Disney was told he lacked creativity. Oprah was fired from her first TV job. What if they had let failure stop them?
🔹 Every major success story begins with one decision—to start. The biggest difference between those who succeed and those who don’t isn’t luck, talent, or intelligence—it’s action.
🔥 Ready to take control of your career path? Let’s talk. Book a free consultation with Transform Coaching and start moving toward a future you’re excited about.
Your Challenge:
Take one step toward something you’ve been putting off. It doesn’t have to be big—just start. Whether it’s applying for that job, starting that side hustle, making that call, or writing that first page—just take action.
Because the only thing worse than failure… is never trying at all.